Thursday, March 1, 2012

Visio 2010 random crashes

Recently one of my user had some issue with the Office Visio which crashed the machine randomly. Upon checking, every time when the user opens up the program, halfway through it just crash suddenly with a pop up box saying "Visio has stopped working." and the program just hanged.

I did a check on the logs from the even viewer stated that ntdll.dll is causing the crash which didn't help much. The weird thing which I notice is the add-in tools I found out that bluetooth was enabled so I decided to disable it. (you need admin rights to do this)

After I did the disable everything just work perfectly fine and stable. Office Add-in is something you need to look into as part of the troubleshooting process especially as most of it were probably from the third-party tools. This also involved in performance issue which you think the program does not run smoothly as usual.

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